At Anytime Fitness, the health and wellness of our members and staff is our top priority

Updated August 19, 2021

Frequently Asked Question

Do I need proof of vaccination to work out at Anytime Fitness?

Vaccination requirements vary dependent on your Anytime Fitness location in accordance with local mandates and guidelines. 

Updated November 17, 2020

In Response To Recent Public Health Concerns

Anytime Fitness is dedicated to keeping our members, staff, and all those in the community safe while social distancing during the COVID-19 crisis.

We believe that exercising is imperative for people to stay healthy, and we would like to offer our insight on how best our industry can adapt to new guidelines and move forward to operate in this new environment.

Our brands have a significant presence throughout North America. There are 2,650 independent, small business Anytime Fitness franchises in the United States and Canada, each employing approximately 4 people.  As such, we play a vital role in shaping our local communities. In many situations, we represent the only option that many people have to maintain and improve their physical health. We are proud to bring members a quality of life amenity that supports communities and helps people live healthier lives.

Our clubs are owned and operated by our hardworking, entrepreneurial franchise owners who care about and are invested in making their community a great place to live and work. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 and the beginning of Shelter in Place orders, we have been working day in and day out to put forth and implement tools that will best serve our franchise small business owners, protect our employees, do what is best for our members, and be responsible to the greater community. 

We are committed to bringing the best of our organization to the table to work with government officials and health experts to map out the safest way for our businesses to reopen and serve our members safely. After monitoring industry and various federal and state guidelines, we have developed steps for Anytime Fitness owners. These guidelines are outlined below.

Franchisee/Gym Protocol

  • All safety guidelines will be made available upon entrance, throughout the gym, and via digital platforms.
  • Live and video monitoring of clubs will be implemented by each franchisee to ensure protocols are being followed.


  • Staff will:
    • Understand quarantine behaviors;
    • Be strongly encouraged to wear masks and gloves at all times whenever provisions are available;
    • Know club capacity restrictions (if any) and how to monitor; and
    • No employees will share offices or be in enclosed spaces within 6 feet of each other.
  • Strategic scheduling will be implemented to minimize the number of staff members who work together.
  • A strict stay at home policy for any employees exhibiting symptoms and a reporting process for confirmed and/or potential COVID-19 contraction will be implemented.

Social Distancing

  • Strict adherence to CDC distancing guidelines, maintaining 6 feet of distance in all gym activities, and roping off or disabling equipment:
    • Gym capacity limited to a certain number of people, for example 5 people per 1,000 square feet if required by local mandates;
    • No contact training and no equipment sharing training sessions;
    • Social distancing signage and floor markers;

Enhanced Cleaning & Sanitation Protocols

  • Medical-grade cleaning products and hand sanitizers available throughout facility, and:
    • Require hand washing before and after workout;
    • Increase disinfectant stations with hand sanitizer available in lobby and throughout the facility whenever provisions are available; and
    • Pre-use and post-use wipe down protocol on all equipment, including office equipment and body comp scanners, as well as updating member processes to educate on cleaning and sanitation.
  • Detailed in-depth and frequent cleaning checklist:
    • Full facility will be cleaned thoroughly a minimum of every 2 hours with medical-grade product, including equipment and all surfaces during staffed hours; and  
    • Bathrooms cleaned every hour during staffed hours.
  • Water fountains for refilling water bottles only.
  • No equipment sharing will be allowed.

As individual states continue to safely reopen their economies, we welcome and look forward to the opportunity to collectively work with local officials to find the best ways to open all of our health clubs that serve and employ those in our communities.

Updated March 26, 2025

We're Listening...

If you are a member of Anytime Fitness, many of our clubs are offering members a freeze on their memberships while the clubs are temporarily closed, with the time credited to the end of their memberships. We are also providing free access to our virtual content via our Instagram and Facebook profiles, including workouts, health and wellness tips, and members have access to workouts anytime, anywhere on the AF App. Some clubs continue to serve members through virtual training. Please check your local franchise location for details.

If for any reason you have questions and have not been able to connect with your local club, please visit this page and we will work with you and the local franchise owner to ensure you get the answers you need. 

Updated April 1st, 2020

A message from our founders: Our COVID-19 response

The safety and health of our customers, franchise owners and employees of Anytime Fitness are of utmost importance as we adhere to COVID-19 policies and mandates from federal, state and local authorities.

  • The franchise owners representing Anytime Fitness in communities and physical locations worldwide are independent, small-business operators. We have advised these franchise owners to continue to follow the guidance of local health officials and government mandates and to use good judgment when making decisions that affect their customers and communities. They are closest to the latest local guidance and mandates; they are monitoring the course of events daily and making the appropriate changes to their local operations, including the closure of our storefronts. We do not have a timeline currently to reopen any of our closed locations. We will update this message with details as soon as they are available.
  • If you are a member of Anytime Fitness, many of our clubs are offering members a freeze on their memberships while the clubs are temporarily closed, with the time credited to the end of their memberships. We are also providing free access to our virtual content via our Instagram and Facebook profiles, including workouts, health and wellness tips, and members have access to workouts anytime, anywhere on the AF App. Some clubs continue to serve members through virtual training. Please check your local franchise location for details.
  • Again, the public and club members may access virtual online fitness, health and wellness content via Anytime Fitness. Details can be found below in our posts from March 24th and March 26th.

Above all, what matters right now – today – is your health and safety. Please do your part to help minimize the spread of this virus to others. Stay home, away from groups or crowds. Wash your hands frequently. Get fresh air and sunshine, safely, whenever you can. Move your body whenever possible. And please contact your health care provider immediately if you begin to develop any flu-like symptoms.

Our mission is to improve the self-esteem of the world, and our business thrives when our franchise owners thrive. Those words matter to us more than ever in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please, stay healthy and safe, and we will look forward to seeing you again in the future.

Updated March 26, 2020

Virtual Content and Training Options

Whether our gym doors are physically open or not, we are still committed to serving our members and adding value to people around the globe.

Right now, our communities are isolated, anxious, and overwhelmed with the realities of social distancing and the closures of their schools, their work, and their gyms.

Just because we have to social distance doesn’t mean we can’t stay connected. Several of our clubs are offering 1:1, small group and team virtual trainings through the use of technology. Please reach out to your local gym to learn more…

Updated March 24, 2020

Anytime Fitness Offering Free, At-Home Workouts Online

As most of the world heads indoors to avoid the global Covid-19 pandemic, Anytime Fitness wants everyone with access to the internet to still be able to work out and maintain a healthy lifestyle. That is why Anytime Fitness began a virtual workout series called Coach Care Connect, which provides free, at-home workouts online to ensure people still have options to get in their daily exercise without leaving the safety of their home.

The Coach Care Connect program can be easily accessed on the Anytime Fitness Facebook page. Each morning at 8:30 AM CST, our coaching staff start the live workouts for all to follow along with and start the day off with breaking a sweat. Each workout is designed to be done at home and without any gym equipment, and are 10 to 20 minutes in length – the goal is to make the workouts as accessible as possible. The live workouts provide a way for all to connect with our coaching staff online, as well as others working out at the same time virtually. Our hope is to help people keep not only their bodies healthy but also to feel a sense of community and connection with like-minded friends during these challenging times.

All live videos will be recorded and posted on the Anytime Fitness Facebook page after they air, so they are available anytime of the day, to stream on-demand, for those who were not able to attend in the morning.

Please join Anytime Fitness and our expanding online community for a virtual morning workout to stay healthy and connected.

Coach Care Connect Virtual Workouts. Weekdays 6:30am PT, 7:30am MT, 8:30am CT, 9:30am ET
Click here to access a variety of workouts and training videos on our Facebook Page. Also, join our coaches for live workouts during the week at 8:30 AM CST on Anytime Fitness Facebook Live.
Updated March 18, 2020

The health and wellness of our members and our communities is our number one priority. Many local and state government agencies are providing guidelines around the size of public gatherings and are requiring temporary closures of fitness centers. Our franchised owners, who are small business owners and employers, are following these guidelines as quickly as possible in the interest of public health. Clubs’ local club pages are being updated as quickly as possible with temporary closure information. Please check with your local club for information about changes in their hours of operation. Through the Anytime Fitness app, we are offering members access to 1000s of high-quality workouts and coaching that can be done in the comfort of their homes.

The CDC recommends following the precautionary measures and guidelines below to help keep you healthy and prevent the spread of the virus:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Use an alcohol-based sanitizer.
  • Keep away from others that are sick.
  • Clean and disinfect household objects and surfaces in your home.
  • Avoid travel to destinations where the outbreak is prevalent.

We will update this website with information as it becomes available.

Updated March 16, 2020

Anytime Fitness operates franchised locations around the world. We are sharing the following information with members regarding club level cleanliness. Please check with your local club for any changes in hours of operation.

In response to recent public health concerns in our area, we want you to know:

We continue to uphold our high standards of cleanliness by wiping down machines, surfaces and disinfecting thoroughly, multiple times a day.

Hand sanitizer and gym wipes are located throughout the gym. Can’t find them? Let us know!

We support our staff by actively urging anyone not feeling well to stay home.

Thank you for being a valued member of our AF community helping us make healthy happen!