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Protein-Packed Pina Kale-Ada Smoothie

Creating a healthy and energy-sustaining smoothie is all about pumping up the protein and fat. This requires turning to some ingredients that aren’t solely fruit, liquid, and ice.
Piña Kale-Ada Smoothie

Creating a healthy and energy-sustaining smoothie is all about pumping up the protein and fat. This requires turning to some ingredients that aren’t solely fruit, liquid, and ice. Don’t get us wrong, we love fruit. We could eat fruit all day. But the energy you get from just fruit isn’t going to last you all day–it’s mostly sugar, with a side of fiber. So consider incorporating protein in the form of powders or nut butters into your smoothie, this will help build, repair, and maintain muscle. Then add some healthy fats for the ultimate satiating smoothie!

Take this Protein Packed Pina Kale-ada Smoothie for instance. You’re likely intrigued by the name already. This smoothie has many things going for it:

  • Kale. We’ve talked about this being a superfood. So why not incorporate it into everything?
  • Avocado. Healthy fats. Adds a creaminess factor to the smoothie. Win-win.
  • Pineapple. A tropical fruit and excellent source of manganese and vitamin C.
  • Protein Powder. Gives this smoothie a protein-packed punch!

Protein-Packed Pina Kale-Ada Smoothie Recipe



handfuls kale


cup milk of choice


cup frozen pineapple


ripe avocado


frozen banana


scoop vanilla protein powder


  1. Combine ingredients in blender and puree until smooth.
  2. Add additional milk as needed to achieve desired consistency.

395 Calories, 14g Total Fat (2g Sat Fat), 54g Carbohydrate (12g Fiber, 25g Sugar), 1300 mg Potassium

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