By providing your contact information, you consent to be contacted by Anytime Fitness, LLC, its affiliates, master franchisees and/or its franchisees and their authorized designees, through email, telephone, text message, or by other means, some of which may be from an automated service, as well as any other communication described in our Privacy Policy, which can be found at: For mobile messaging, message and data rates apply and consent is not required to become a member. Data collected will be sent outside your jurisdiction and to the United States and will be governed by our Privacy Policy, as it may be updated or amended. Full terms and conditions can be found at: or your local Anytime Fitness club.
')})),vwo_$("#plans").vwoCss({display:"none !important"}),vwo_$(".bg-white").vwoCss({display:"none !important"}),vwo_$(".container.text-center").vwoCss({display:"none !important"}),vwo_$("head").append(''),clearInterval(window.vwoInterval1695804312107))}),300);}catch(e){} ;var _vwo_sel=vwo_$("");vwo_$('head').append(_vwo_sel);return vwo_$('head')[0] && vwo_$('head')[0].lastChild;})("HEAD")}}, C_736710_216_1_2_1:{ fn:function(log,nonce=''){return (function(x) {var el,ctx=vwo_$(x);
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(// Example Code: This code will run the campaign if order value is greater than 100 (on calling executeTrigger() method)
function() {
// Assuming jQuery is defined on your website
vwo_$(document).ready(function() {
// Check for the order value (selector path is just the example, it can vary on other websites)
if(vwo_$(".text-center.lead").length) {
// Call this method to run the campaign
console.log("executing trigger");
}}, ct453_abb0222ebb72934829420dc8d6876e09:{ fn:function(executeTrigger, vwo_$) {
(function() {
console.log('CRO 408 custom trigger init!')
// ## Avoid multiple setIntervals getting started.
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window.vwoInterval1735045271 = setInterval(function () {
vwo_$(document).ready(function ($) {
const pageUrl = window.location.href;
const h1Text = document.querySelector('h1') ? document.querySelector('h1').textContent.toLowerCase() : "";
const matchesClubParam = /\?club=\d+/.test(pageUrl);
const containsJoinForOne = h1Text.includes("join for $1");
if (matchesClubParam) {
console.log('CRO 408 custom trigger matches Club!')
if (containsJoinForOne) {
console.log('CRO 408 custom trigger runs!')
console.log('CRO 408 clear interval!')
}, 500);
}}, GL_736710_453_post:{ fn:function(VWO_CURRENT_CAMPAIGN, VWO_CURRENT_VARIATION,nonce = ""){}}, GL_736710_453_pre:{ fn:function(VWO_CURRENT_CAMPAIGN, VWO_CURRENT_VARIATION,nonce = ""){try{!function(){try{var e=function(e){return Object.keys(e).find((function(e){return e.startsWith("__reactInternalInstance$")||e.startsWith("__reactFiber$")}))},n=function(e,n){if(e&&n)return e[n]},t=function(e,n,t){var i=(i=e.nodeName)&&i.toLowerCase();n.stateNode=e,n.child=null,n.tag=e.nodeType===Node.ELEMENT_NODE?5:6,n.type&&(n.type=n.elementType="vwo-"+i),n.alternate&&(n.alternate.stateNode=e),e[t]=n},i=function(e,n){var;!function i(){var l=Object.keys(n).find((function(e){return e.startsWith("__reactProps$")}))||"",;if(l&&n[l])switch({case"href":n[l].href=e.value;break;case"onClick":n[l].onClick&&delete n[l].onClick;break;case"onChange":n[l].onChange&&n[l].onChange({target:n})}l||3e3.fw-600 {\n font-family: 'f37_moondemi', 'Montserrat', sans-serif !important;\n}\n.wizard-results li a.text-white {\n color: white !important;\n}\n.join-online-container {\n background: rgba(110, 56, 213, 0.05);\n border: 1px solid #6E38D5;\n border-radius: 8px;\n}\n.join-online-container p.fw-600 {\n font-size: 1.125rem;\n}\n.join-online-container .btn {\n width: 160px;\n line-height: 1.5;\n flex-shrink: 0;\n}\n.btn-primary:focus, \n.btn-primary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active,\n.btn-primary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active:focus {\n background: #440099;\n border-color: #440099;\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 .2rem rgba(68, 0, 153, 0.5);\n}\n@media (max-width: 575px) {\n .join-online-container .btn {\n width: 100%;\n }\n}\n`);
!vwo_$("head").find('#1736202446197').length && vwo_$('head').append(_vwo_sel);}catch(e) {console.error(e)}
try{}catch(e) {console.error(e)}
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Join Online to Get Started Today
Complete your membership signup in minutes—right now.
`,t.innerHTML="TAKE ADVANTAGE TODAY. JOIN AT THE GYM."))):(t=document.querySelector("div.form-body h3"),e=document.querySelector("div[data-join-online-promo-plan-url],[data-join-online-promo-plan-url]"),e&&(o=e.getAttribute("data-join-online-promo-plan-url"),e&&!document.querySelector(".join-online-container")&&(document.querySelector(".step3-content").innerHTML+=`\n
Join Online to Get Started Today
Complete your membership signup in minutes—right now.
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How to Make the Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Bowl of Your Dreams
When you discover a good thing, it can be hard not to dive in headfirst! Tell everyone you know, and eat, eat, eat. We fell into this trap after discovering irresistible smoothie bowls. You may have seen them on your Instagram feeds in all their fruity, colorful glory and now you can enjoy one from the comfort of your own kitchen!
When you discover a good thing, it can be hard not to dive in headfirst! Tell everyone you know, and eat, eat, eat. We fell into this trap after discovering irresistible smoothie bowls. You may have seen them on your Instagram feeds in all their fruity, colorful glory and now you can enjoy one from the comfort of your own kitchen!
Get Ready to Make Your Own Smoothie Bowl
Make your base
Smoothie bowls are very similar to smoothies, they’re just consumed in a different way (spoon, not straw), and include additional toppings and texture. So, start with your favorite smoothie recipe, blending:
greens (spinach, kale)
milk or milk-substitute,
juice (orange, pomegranate, carrot)
yogurt (greek)
a healthy sweetener (agave syrup, maple syrup, honey)
Have fun with it and try your favorite flavors. You can even make two different smoothies to combine in the same bowl for more interesting bites. Keep thickness in mind overall, as you won’t want it too soupy.
Choose colorful fruit toppings
The trick is in the toppings. Consider your base and then add complimentary (but not necessarily identical) fruit like blueberries, strawberries, bananas, passion fruit, and raspberries. This is your chance to try something new or uncommon. When’s the last time you had a kiwi? Try a little on top.
Add some crunch
Texture is key. You don’t want everything to be smooth, so add some healthy seeds (chia, sunflower, hemp, etc.), grains (granola, oats), and/or nuts (walnut, pumpkin, almond). A little unsweetened coconut flakes sprinkled on top is a nice finishing touch.
Be mindful of sweetness
Beware of sweetened yogurt, high-calorie granola, and other unnatural, processed ingredients. Stay as fresh as possible, and know that you’ll get a lot of sweetness from the smoothie and additional fruit toppings. You may even find you want a dollop of crème fraîche or plain greek yogurt on top to tame things!
Have fun with the aesthetic
Just like the “recipe,” which can be varied in a million ways, have fun with the assembly. Pro tip: It usually looks nicer if toppings are added in chunks, in their own space; and it’s best if the heaviest items go last. You can always mix it and lose the pretty when eating!
Admire your creation and then dig in!
That’s it. Whether or not your final bowl is Instagram-worthy, you can pat yourself on the back for starting the day with a healthy breakfast. Way to go!
Free 7-Day Passes are only available for new customers who live or work nearby. Most Anytime Fitness locations have a drop-in charge for non-residents who want to use the gym for a short period of time. If you cannot provide proof of local residency, you may be charged a fee to use this club.
Free {{nday}}-Day Passes are only available for new customers who live or work nearby. Most Anytime Fitness locations have a drop-in charge for non-residents who want to use the gym for a short period of time. If you cannot provide proof of local residency, you may be charged a fee to use this club.