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How to Turn Gym Intimidation into Inspiration​

We get it: Joining a gym can be intimidating! Turn that fear into drive at Anytime Fitness, where you'll feel like you've been a member all along.
Two women bonding in a gym post-workout.

Alright, let’s be honest. Joining the gym can be a really intimidating experience! And while we strive to uphold a welcoming, inclusive community at Anytime Fitness, one that makes you feel like you’ve been a member all along, it can still be scary to take that first step through the door. We refer to this feeling as gym intimidation. 

Gym intimidation has many causes, whether it’s uncertainty about what to wear for your workout or how to use the lat pull-down machine, and even fitness enthusiasts can experience it from time to time! The best way to cure a case of gym intimidation is to change your mindset and turn that intimidation into inspiration: Gym inspiration if you will! Instead of viewing the gym as daunting, view it as an exciting opportunity to become a healthier version of yourself. And if you ever feel hesitant, just remember that our coaches are here to support you. To help get you started, we’re shutting down some of the most common intimidating thoughts and showing you how to turn them into gym inspiration! 

Gym intimidation: I can’t do this. 

You’re here, aren’t you? And you certainly can’t do anything until you try (regardless of what Master Yoda might tell you), so how can you know until you give it a shot? Let’s turn that intimidation into inspiration: 

Gym inspiration: I can do this!  

Gym intimidation: I won’t know anyone. 

That’s okay! Many people work out solo, and you’ll always have a coach or manager ready to greet you with a friendly face. If you’re in the market for a gym buddy, think of your new membership as a great opportunity to make friends! After a few group classes, we’re sure you’ll be chatting with a new pal in no time. 

Gym inspiration: This is a great opportunity to meet new like-minded people. 

Gym intimidation: I have no idea what I’m doing.  

We’ll let you in on a little secret – very few people do, when they first start working out! That’s why we offer a one-on-one fitness consultation with one of our certified personal trainers, so that you come out with a Get Started plan for your first month at the gym. In addition to your Get Started plan, know that you can always go to a coach with any questions you have about equipment, proper form, and more. Instead of getting stuck on the fact that you don’t know much about working out yet, take the mindset that you can’t wait to learn! 

Gym inspiration: I’m so excited to learn more about health and wellness. 

Gym intimidation: I’m not fit enough to be here. 

If you don’t feel like you belong in the gym, remember that everybody starts somewhere. The gym is a place to go to get healthier – very few people start because they’re already as healthy as they want to be! If it seems like your gym is full of incredibly fit, healthy people, know that they have their own health journeys and stories too. Remember, it’s not about where you started, it’s about where you’re going. And if you don’t believe us, we have plenty of member success stories to remind you of that fact! 

Gym inspiration: I belong here as much as anybody else. 

Gym intimidation: I’m not a gym person. 

If you don’t think you’re a gym person, we’d like to kindly ask you to think again. What makes you say you’re not a gym person? Did you have a previous bad experience? Or have you never had a gym membership before? If there are reasons in your past that make you believe you’re not a gym person, we recommend taking a closer look at what really prevented you from sticking with a workout routine, and eliminating it this time around. For example, if you had trouble making it to the gym, or never knew what to do once you arrived, you can fix those by blocking time in your schedule and working with a coach. Take a look at any past patterns, see what you can change this time around, and challenge those thoughts of not being a gym person. We bet you’ll surprise yourself. 

Gym inspiration: By evaluating my past experience, I could become a gym person. 

Gym intimidation: I don’t know how to use any of the machines. 

First of all, there are a lot – and we mean a lot – of gym machines out there. If you did know how to use them all, we’d probably want to hire you as a coach! But the beauty of being a beginner is that you can ask questions, big and small. 

Furthermore, just about every gym machine has instructions on the side that show you how to use it. If a coach isn’t around, you can also do a quick search for an instructional video on your phone. With so many resources to help you out, there’s no need to fear even the most complicated-looking machines. 

Gym inspiration: I’m excited to learn more about using gym machines, and I have the resources to do so. 

Gym intimidation: Everyone is going to be staring at me. 

Here’s a harsh but helpful truth: everyone at the gym is too focused on their own thing to be concerned with what you’re doing. Think about it: when you’re in the gym, do you take time to stare at everyone else there, or do you focus on getting your own workout done? Probably the second one, right? The good news is, that’s how everyone else feels, too! So there’s no need to worry about stares or whispers, because we promise that everyone is doing their own thing. 

Gym inspiration: Everyone is too focused on their own workout at the gym to notice what I’m doing. 

Gym intimidation: I tried working out before and it didn’t stick. 

First of all, know that there’s no shame in that statement. It’s not easy to make a workout routine stick, you’re definitely not alone! Just because something didn’t work last time, doesn’t mean it can’t work this time. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again, right? 

The key to succeeding on the second (or third, or fourth) time around is to reflect on why the first time around didn’t stick. Think about what went wrong last time, and – this is the key – be honest with yourself. Were you working out consistently and following a plan? Did you have trouble finding time to make it to the gym? Were you in an environment where you felt supported and like you could ask for help? 

Once you have your answers, talk to your coach during your personalized fitness consultation, so that they can help you build a plan that works for you and is centered around your lifestyle. Consider using the AF app for personal training so that you can chat with your coach when you’re in need of motivation, and overall, keep in touch with the gym’s coaching staff if you ever need support. We’re here to help!  

Gym inspiration: This time, I have the tools, support, and knowledge to make it stick. 

Gym intimidation: I won’t fit in at the gym. 

If you want to live a healthier life, you’ll fit in at the gym, period. No matter what your health goal is or where you are in your fitness journey, the gym is full of like-minded people who also want to make healthy happen. If that’s your goal, you belong! 

Gym inspiration: I belong here. 

Ready to get started? We know you can do it! Find a local Anytime Fitness gym today.

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