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Beginner Workout Routine

This resource will equip you with the tools you will need to be successful in your fitness journey, whether your goals are centered on weight loss, muscle gain, or improved energy and mobility.

Welcome to Our Most Comprehensive Workout Guide Ever! 

This resource will equip you with the tools you will need to be successful in your fitness journey, whether your goals are centered on 

  • Weight loss
  • Muscle gain
  • Improved energy and mobility

That’s right– included are THREE complete workout plans to use when you want to focus on achieving a specific goal! For each focus area, you’ll find a 4-week workout routine (warm-ups, workouts, cool-downs, EVERYTHING) as well as tips from our Coaches that are relevant for each goal, because our Coaches really are the juice!

What to Know Before Jumping In 

We are so glad you’re here! Whether you are a first-time visitor to a gym (welcome!) or you’re back for another go (OH YEAH!), this guide is going to be a handy dandy tool to have in your back pocket. We’re all beginners at least once throughout our fitness lives, and we say “at least once” because it’s common to feel like you’re starting all over again after a period of time away from regular activity.  

Imagine you “used to go to the gym” or you were an athlete in high school but these days, you’re dreaming of getting back to that level. You might not have to imagine that hard, because these are common sentiments for folks that are not “first-time exercisers” but are starting back at square one. This article is for you. 


You’re Not in This Alone! AF Coaches Are Ready to Help. 

The best news of your day? You do not need to do this aimlessly and on your own. Anytime Fitness gyms are stocked with the best equipment anyone could ask for – caring, knowledgeable Coaches that have been there. Many of our Coaches have had their own transformational journeys and have felt the daunting feelings that can accompany starting a new routine. Take advantage of that expertise and schedule a Fitness Consultation with a Coach if at any point you’re looking for accountability, guidance, support or motivation– we deliver that better than anyone. 


When Do I Need a Doctor’s OK? 

The health benefits of exercising are clear, and doing physical activity is safe in almost all instances. How to know if it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor before you work out? In general, if one or more of these apply to you, go ahead and check in with a physician before hitting the gym.  

  • You have a heart condition or high blood pressure

  • You feel pain in your chest during rest OR activity

  • You lose balance because of dizziness (do not include dizziness during vigorous exercise) or you’ve lost consciousness in the last 12 months

  • You have been diagnosed with a chronic medical condition

  • You are taking prescription medication for a chronic medical condition

  • During the past 12 months you have had a bone, joint or soft tissue concern that is made worse by physical activity 

Physical activity and exercise have been shown to improve the health and wellbeing of people and can even reverse the effects of chronic disease! So, if you’ve scanned the list above and are concerned you are not able to exercise, go ahead and check in with your doctor for the green light and we’ll see you in the gym!

What’s Included in a Well-Rounded Weekly Workout Routine? 

A comprehensive workout program will include instructions for what to do on workout days and what to do on rest days. Also included will be warm-ups, cool-down and recovery options, and guidance on how to use nutrition to support your goals. Additionally, the exercises recommended will be selected with your goals in mind, as well! We’ve got the basics laid out here in this article titled, “Our Workout Checklist to Help You Get Started.

Warm-Up Routine for All Programs 

Warming up is important no matter what your workout program will be focusing on. Why? There are plenty of reasons why you should warm up before exercising, but for now, what you need to know is that a warm-up is ESSENTIAL. Without it, you’re asking your body (and your mind) to jump straight into exercise without preparation, and this could lead to poor form, discomfort or even injury. The moral of the story? Don’t skip your warm-up! The sequence provided below will be a great warm-up for ALL programs given in this article, so you’ll want to get to know these exercises inside and out. Your body will thank you! 

Foam Rolling as a Warm-Up 

Have you heard about foam rolling? Perhaps you’ve tried it! The hype is well-deserved; foam rolling has been shown to be a tried-and-true favorite cooldown and recovery tool of athletes of all levels (including the typical gym-goer like you and me!) and for good reason. Foam rolling reduces stiffness, increases range of motion, and reduces post-workout soreness otherwise known as delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS.  

Aim for 30 seconds per side per exercise:  

  • T-Spine 

  • Glutes 


Static Stretches 

Static stretches are a great place to start when warming up. They involve holding a position to target a certain muscle group.  

Hold each stretch for 10-15 seconds per side: 

  • Arm (Forearm Stretch) 

  • Hamstring (Hurdler Stretch) 

  • IT Band (Seated Rotation Stretch) 

Read up on all the benefits of static stretches 


Dynamic Stretches 

Dynamic stretches involve movement and help to warm up your joints as well as your muscles (plus all the connective tissues that hold them together).  

Perform each movement five times per side: 

  • Clamshells 

  • ½ Kneeling Windmill to Forearm 

  • Open Book Full Body 


Exercises to Boost Your HR 

A warm-up serves to prime your body overall for exercise, and an important component of this is getting your heart rate elevated. This sends fresh, oxygenated blood throughout your body, thereby literally “warming up” in temperature, but also priming your joints for action as well as giving a psychological boost before you enter your workout phase. Here are our favorite cardio-focused warm-ups. 

Do each movement for 30 seconds: 

  • Mountain climbers 

  • Jumping JacksThere are

Cool Down Options for All Programs 

Whereas with the warm-up we prescribe the same sequence for all programs throughout the four weeks, with the cooldown you’ll have three DIFFERENT choices. One cooldown technique might be particularly well-suited for a certain workout, so you’ll see variation in what is recommended for your cool down. Get to know all three types, because you’ll have the option to choose one of them to complete after each workout. 


Foam Rolling as Recovery 

The foam roller will help you prep for your workout as well as provide additional benefits when you use it afterward! Here’s a Guide to Foam Rolling (with Full-Body Instructions) to have in your back pocket as well as a video on how to use the foam roller to show you the proper form!



If flexibility is on your list of goals, stretching after you are done working out will help you turn that goal into a reality! Why is that? When you’re done exercising, your muscles will be at their warmest, making them the most pliable in terms of lasting change in muscle length. Stretching is also fantastic for letting you focus on your breathing, which helps your heart rate return to a resting state. Here are 7 Yoga-Inspired Stretches to Cool Down After Your Workout 

Check out this demonstration video for a yoga-inspired cool-down routine.



Box breathing is a technique used to help your body return to a resting state after a workout. A post-workout breathing routine is helpful after high-intensity workouts that challenge the cardiovascular system (heart and lungs). Box breathing strengthens the diaphragm as well!  


  • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.  

  • Start by taking a deep breath in for four full seconds and fill your lungs.  

  • Once full, hold the air in your lungs for four seconds.  

  • Then release the air slowly for four seconds 

  • Finally, hold your lungs empty for four more seconds.  

  • Then, you’re back to the beginning of your breathing “box,” and you can start by breathing in.  

Repeat this cycle of breath 5-10 times, or for as long as you’d like.

Sample Workout Program #1: 4-Week Beginner Workout Routine for Weight Loss 

If you’re looking for a workout plan to follow in the gym and your goal is to lose excess body fat, this is the plan for you!  During your first four weeks on this journey, you can expect to get your body accustomed to exercising 3-4 times per week with active recovery recommended on your rest days (although you know your body best, so be sure you take a full rest day when you need it). We’ve got your back throughout the entire program with linked workouts to follow as well as other lifestyle tips that will help ensure your success. Let’s do this! 


What Makes This Program Effective? 

The workouts recommended below are ideal for those with a weight loss goal because they provide a balance of metabolically-engaging circuits (that get your heart rate elevated) as well as routines that get your body moving in ways that will help you burn more calories at rest. You’ll have ample time to recover between workouts, and we’ll use those days off as active recovery days. What more could you ask for?!

WEEK 1: Workout Routine for Weight Loss 

Day 1: 15-Minute Circuit Workout Perfect for Beginners  

Day 2: Active Recovery 

Day 3: 20-Minute HIIT Elliptical Workout  

Day 4: Active Recovery 

Day 5: TRX Upper Body Workout 

Day 6: Active Recovery 

Day 7: Active Recovery

WEEK 2: Workout Routine for Weight Loss 

Day 1: 15-Minute Rowing Workout 

Day 2: Active Recovery 

Day 3: 20-Minute Cycling Workout Anyone Can Crush 

Day 4: Active Recovery 

Day 5: Train Like a Boxer with this Endurance Workout! 

Day 6: Active Recovery 

Day 7: Active Recovery

WEEK 3: Workout Routine for Weight Loss 

Day 1: HIIT Treadmill Workout 

Day 2: Active Recovery 

Day 3: Full-Body Burn Circuit Workout 

Day 4: Active Recovery 

Day 5: Bodyweight Workout for the Beach – or Anywhere! 

Day 6: Active Recovery or BONUS WORKOUT: 25-Minute Workout You Can Do On Your Lunch Break 

Day 7: Active Recovery

WEEK 4: Workout Routine for Weight Loss 

Day 1: TRX Circuit Burn Workout 

Day 2: Active Recovery 

Day 3: Rowing for Distance Workout 

Day 4: Active Recovery 

Day 5: Super Circuit Burn Workout 

Day 6: Active Recovery or BONUS WORKOUT: Full-Body Conditioning Workout Anyone Can Try 

Day 7: Active Recovery

The Science Behind Weight Loss 

If your goal is to decrease excess body fat, your results will come down to your overall energy balance. In other words, energy in (nutrition) vs. energy out (activity level)! Your daily total energy needs are known as your total daily energy expenditure, or TDEE for short. Here’s how you calculate your TDEE:  

TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) = BMR (Base Metabolic Rate) x Activity Level 


What is BMR? 

Your BMR is your base metabolic rate. This is the amount of energy required to keep you alive and functioning (not to be confused with BMI, which is short for body mass index and is generally seen as an outdated way to measure body composition). Everyone has a unique BMR that can be estimated using a few rules of thumb OR you can get your BMR directly from an EVOLT scan at Anytime Fitness! 


What is TDEE and How Do I Calculate It? 

Your TDEE, as stated above, is short for total daily energy expenditure and is the total amount of energy you truly burn through on a typical day. TDEE is a result of your BMR (which comes naturally from being alive) and your activity level used as a multiplying factor (extra calorie allowance to get through the additional demands of your increased activity level): 

  • Sedentary (BMR x 1.2): Little to no activity throughout the day, with little to no exercise 

  • Lightly Active (BMR x 1.375): Activity during the day is 30 minutes or less, including 15 minutes per day or less of high-intensity exercise 

  • Moderately Active (BMR x 1.55): You exercise more days than not for 90 minutes or more, and we’re talking intentional exercise for either 90 minutes per day if it’s moderate intensity or 50 minutes per day of high-intensity exercise 

  • Very Active (BMR x 1.725): You are active during the day for work (examples: construction, professional dancer) and you experience 2 hours or more per day of intense exercise. 


Nutrition Tips to Boost Your Weight Loss Success 

To lose excess body fat, you’ll need to make sure your TDEE (your BMR adjusted for activity level) is GREATER THAN the amount of calories you’re taking in through meals, snacks and beverages. In other words, what goes in must be less than what comes out, in terms of energy. When your daily activities require more energy than you’re bringing in nutritionally, your body will use excess fat stores for energy and you will lose weight.  

There is a caveat: in order for your metabolism to function properly, you need to make sure you’re getting enough nutrition (eating at least your BMR in calories each day). If your caloric intake is routinely lower than your BMR, your metabolism will not function as it should and it’s possible that you could develop metabolic syndrome, which means your body is not taking in energy and using it as it should (your metabolism is switched “off” which is frustrating for weight loss goals but can also lead to chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes). 

We recommend tracking your caloric intake until you feel confident you are meeting your caloric needs (eat at LEAST your BMR to avoid metabolic syndrome!) A popular and free food tracking app is MyFitnessPal. You can link with your Coach in the Anytime Fitness app and chat about nutritional goals to bring the process full-circle and add in accountability!

Sample Workout Program #2: 4 Week Beginner Weight Training Routine for Muscle Gain 

If your goal is to gain muscle mass, you’re in the right place– we’ve got a complete plan for you with weight training workouts mixed in with just the right amount of recovery time in between.  


Overall Goals of This Program 

The workouts in the routine below will help you develop stability and strength over the course of a month that you can build upon as you get more advanced! The first week will prime you up for three more weeks of progressively more challenging exercises. Over time, you’ll be asking more of your body (you want results, right?!) and in return, your muscular strength will increase as well as your muscular endurance. Weeks 1 and 2 will lay a foundation of 3x/week in the gym, and weeks 3 and 4 have an optional 4th workout if you’re ready to take it up a notch!

WEEK 1: Workout Routine for Muscle Gain 

Day 1: Beginner Strength Workout 

Day 2: Active Recovery  

Day 3: EMOM Strength-Builder 

Day 4: Active Recovery 

Day 5: Healthy Shoulders Workout 

Day 6: Active Recovery 

Day 7: Active Recovery

WEEK 2: Workout Routine for Muscle Gain 

Day 1: Ladder-Style Strength Workout 

Day 2: Active Recovery 

Day 3: 30-Minute Full-Body Circuit Workout 

Day 4: Active Recovery 

Day 5: Superset Strength Workout 

Day 6: Active Recovery 

Day 7: Active Recovery 

WEEK 3: Workout Routine for Muscle Gain 

Day 1: 15-Minute Leg-Blaster Workout + 20-Minute Core Workout 

Day 2: Active Recovery 

Day 3: TRX Arm-Strengthening Workout + 10-Minute Bodyweight Core Workout 

Day 4: Active Recovery 

Day 5: :30/:30 Strength Workout 

Day 6: Active Recovery or BONUS WORKOUT: Full-Body Workout that Targets Every Muscle 

Day 7: Active Recovery 

WEEK 4: Workout Routine for Muscle Gain 

Day 1: Resistance-Band Strength Circuit 

Day 2: Active Recovery 

Day 3: Full-Body Strength Circuit Workout 

Day 4: Active Recovery 

Day 5: Glute-Strengthening Workout + Forget Crunches! Strengthen Your Core the Right Way 

Day 6: Active Recovery OR BONUS WORKOUT: The Full-Body Sculpt Workout You Need to Try 

Day 7: Active Recovery

The Science Behind Muscle Gains 

The golden rule of gaining muscle is to be in a caloric surplus. In other words, eat more calories than you burn in a day, so that your body has the nutrition it needs to build up more tissues. Did you know that strength training also helps your bone density increase? You’ll be gaining mass but only if you properly fuel your workouts. How do you know if you’re getting enough nutrients, and what kind of nutrients will help build muscle? Read on! 


Nutrition Tips to Boost Your Muscle Gain Success 

Let’s keep this simple, because you’ll want to save your energy for your reps. The good news is that it’s not complicated in the first place! Here are the three nutrition tips to master if you’re looking to see gains in muscular strength and size: 

  1. Be in a caloric surplus. When in doubt, snack it out! Eat more calories than you burn in a typical day. How do you know what that number of calories is? See the above section on TDEE and BMR or get an EVOLT scan at your local Anytime Fitness.
  2. Know your macros and cherish the protein + carb collab! For muscle gain, a great place to start is to get at least 30% of your daily calories from protein, 40% from carbohydrates and 30% from fat. Change this up to meet your own personal needs and preferences. Protein is required to synthesize new tissues, and carbs give your body the energy it needs to work out but also to fuel the recovery process! Think of carbs as the necessary key to unlock your body’s ability to use protein as a repair tool. 
  3. Nutrient timing is everything, baby! It’s not only WHAT you eat but WHEN you eat it. Like we said before, this isn’t complicated…fuel up 45-60 minutes before you hit the gym so you’re somewhere between hungry and full, but not either one. No need to work out without fuel, in fact you’ll maximize the effects of your workout by getting in nutrition during that golden pre-workout window. Here are our best recommendations for Pre-Workout Snacks and Meals. Coach approved! What about after your workout? Getting the proper nutrition after your workout is equally as important as your pre-workout fuel up. You guessed it– we’ve got a list of our best Post-Workout Snack and Meals. Bon Appetit! 

Sample Workout Program #3: 4 Week Beginner Bodyweight Routine for Energy and Mobility 

Exercise has many different positive effects, and often people look to physical activity to help boost energy levels, improve the quality of their movement, and overall feel BETTER! It might not be weight loss or gain that is the main motivation, and if you find yourself resonating with these vibes, this program was designed with you in mind.  

Overall Goals of This Program 

Over the next four weeks, you’ll be completing workouts that are holistic and comprehensive; in general, the routines will have a full-body focus with light- to moderate-intensity levels. Some movements require only bodyweight, but some will use weights such as dumbbells and kettlebells. You’ll feel more energized because of the way these specific workouts encourage improved circulation in your body, which leads to more oxygen to your muscles and brain, helping to combat feelings of fatigue and brain fog. Can we get a “Hell Yeah!” for that!

WEEK 1: Workout Routine for Energy and Mobility 

Day 1: Energy-Booster Refresh 

Day 2: Active Recovery 

Day 3: 15-Minute Workout to Add Energy Into Your Day 

Day 4: Active Recovery 

Day 5: Energizing Dumbbell Circuit Workout 

Day 6: Active Recovery  

Day 7: Active Recovery

WEEK 2: Workout Routine for Energy and Mobility 

Day 1: 3-3-3 Fundamental Movement Workout 

Day 2: Active Recovery 

Day 3: 25-Minute Stability Ball Workout 

Day 4: Active Recovery 

Day 5: Total-Body Tabata! 

Day 6: Active Recovery 

Day 7: Active Recovery

WEEK 3: Workout Routine for Energy and Mobility 

Day 1: Fundamental Movement Circuit Workout 

Day 2: Active Recovery 

Day 3: 20-Minute Glute Workout 

Day 4: Active Recovery 

Day 5: TRX Core Workout 

Day 6: Active Recovery or BONUS WORKOUT: 30-Minute Full-Body Kettlebell Workout 

Day 7: Active Recovery 

WEEK 4: Workout Routine for Energy and Mobility 

Day 1: 20-Minute Bodyweight Energy Workout 

Day 2: Active Recovery 

Day 3: Superset Fundamental Movement Workout 

Day 4: Active Recovery 

Day 5: The Perfect 30-Minute Bodyweight Workout to Start Your Day 

Day 6: Active Recovery OR BONUS WORKOUT: The Only Full-Body TRX Workout You’ll Need 

Day 7: Active Recovery

How Can Exercise Boost Your Energy Levels? 

What’s one of the most common responses we hear as Coaches when we ask, “What’s holding you back from working out?” Often, people report not having enough energy to exercise. To these folks, we want to let you know we hear you and understand that it might not make a ton of sense logically that doing a bunch of physical work will, in the end, leave you feeling MORE energized. File this under “Things You’ve Got to Feel to Believe” – working out is tiring in the moment but gives you more energy after you’re done and in the recovery phase. 

How can this be? It comes down to a few main physiological factors. The first we referred to above, exercise improves circulation and with every heartbeat, your circulatory system is sending out freshly oxygenated blood (oxygen coming from all those deep breaths you’re taking!). Blood also carries nutrients that are needed for muscles to work such as sugars, calcium, and water itself. More circulation leads to more energy and movement helps circulation. Boom!  

Another reason exercise gives more energy is that exercise helps keep us in a state of conditioning. A great way to understand what it means to be conditioned is to think about the opposite state, called “deconditioned.” When someone is in a deconditioned state, their muscles are not accustomed to working out on a regular basis, and those muscles could also be lacking tone, tension and strength. Luckily, the body responds and adapts to what it experiences, including exercise (especially resistance training!) and muscles can become conditioned (“toned”) and tightened again. A positive side effect of being conditioned? Your metabolism will be elevated and your overall energy needs go up in a fatigue-fighting cycle that only stops when you do. Let’s go!

Monitoring Results to Avoid a Plateau 

What’s the hard work for if you don’t celebrate the results? How do you celebrate results if you don’t get them measured? Luckily, we’ve got your back– many Anytime Fitness locations are equipped with body scanning tools such as the EVOLT, which can assess your body composition (body fat versus muscle mass) and how it changes over time. We recommend getting a scan done routinely (monthly is a great cadence to start with!) and discussing your results with a Coach.  

Getting a body scan will show you what is TRULY going on with your body, and you’ll want to know the dirty details because in the first month, it can be common for people who are seeking body fat loss to actually report weight GAIN. This is usually due to increased muscle mass and bone density, however, which will show up on your scan report. For more information about the role the EVOLT scanner can have in your journey, check out this article and then head here to find a gym and schedule a fitness consultation. 

Thirsty for more inspiration? Check out this story about two AF members who were able to successfully “forget the scale!” and focus on body composition changes with the EVOLT. We’ll see you in the gym! 

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