By providing your contact information, you consent to be contacted by Anytime Fitness, LLC, its affiliates, master franchisees and/or its franchisees and their authorized designees, through email, telephone, text message, or by other means, some of which may be from an automated service, as well as any other communication described in our Privacy Policy, which can be found at: For mobile messaging, message and data rates apply and consent is not required to become a member. Data collected will be sent outside your jurisdiction and to the United States and will be governed by our Privacy Policy, as it may be updated or amended. Full terms and conditions can be found at: or your local Anytime Fitness club.
`,t.innerHTML="TAKE ADVANTAGE TODAY. JOIN AT THE GYM."))):(t=document.querySelector("div.form-body h3"),e=document.querySelector("div[data-join-online-promo-plan-url],[data-join-online-promo-plan-url]"),e&&(o=e.getAttribute("data-join-online-promo-plan-url"),e&&!document.querySelector(".join-online-container")&&(document.querySelector(".step3-content").innerHTML+=`\n
Join Online to Get Started Today
Complete your membership signup in minutes—right now.
`,t.innerHTML="TAKE ADVANTAGE TODAY. JOIN AT THE GYM."))),console.log("you are in the test")})),clearInterval(window.vwoInterval1734538474))}),300);}catch(e) {console.error(e)}
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Join Now
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Terms & Conditions
By providing your contact information, you consent to be contacted by Anytime Fitness, LLC, its affiliates, master franchisees and/or its franchisees and their authorized designees, through email, telephone, text message, or by other means, some of which may be from an automated service, as well as any other communication described in our Privacy Policy. For mobile messaging, message and data rates apply and consent is not required to become a member. Data collected will be sent outside your jurisdiction and to the United States and will be governed by our Privacy Policy, as it may be updated or amended. Full terms and conditions can be found at: or your local Anytime Fitness club.\n
For California Residents
Please review if you are a California resident, and to comply with Section 1798.100(b) of the California Consumer Privacy Act. For information regarding the categories of personal information collected about you, and the purposes for which your information will be used, please visit Anytime Fitness, LLC’s Privacy Notice for California Residents.
`\n );\n }\n\n vwo_$('footer.signup.forms').css('padding', '0 0 4rem');\n }\n\n\n // Account\n if (currentUrl.toLowerCase().includes(\"account\")) {\n /* EDITELEMENT */\n vwo_$(\".form-headline\").html(\"Create Your Account\");\n /* REMOVE */\n vwo_$(\".btn-clear\").vwoCss({ \"display\": \"none !important\" });\n }\n\n // Address\n if (currentUrl.toLowerCase().includes(\"address\")) {\n /* EDITELEMENT */\n vwo_$(\".form-headline\").html(\"Enter Address\");\n const bridgeSpans = document.querySelectorAll('.bridge');\n // Loop through the first 3 bridge spans and change their background color\n for (let i = 0; i < 3 && i < bridgeSpans.length; i++) {\n bridgeSpans[i].style.backgroundColor = '#6E38D5';\n }\n if (vwo_$('.margin-bottom').length <= 0) {\n vwo_$('.form-header').append('
* Indicates a required field
');\n }\n }\n\n // Review\n if (currentUrl.toLowerCase().includes(\"review\")) {\n vwo_$(\".form-headline\").html(\"Review Your Plan\");\n let elements = document.querySelectorAll('.display-plans .item');\n vwo_$(\".display-plans .item\").vwoCss({ \"box-shadow\": \"none\", \"border\": \"1px solid #707070\", \"border-radius\": \"8px\" });\n const bridgeSpans = document.querySelectorAll('.bridge');\n // Loop through the first 5 bridge spans and change their background color\n for (let i = 0; i < 5 && i < bridgeSpans.length; i++) {\n bridgeSpans[i].style.backgroundColor = '#6E38D5';\n }\n document.querySelectorAll('h4 br').forEach(function (brElement) {\n brElement.remove();\n });\n document.querySelectorAll('p.disclosure').forEach(function (paragraph) {\n if (paragraph.innerHTML.trim() === 'You will have access to over 4,000 Anytime Fitness clubs worldwide! How cool is that?') {\n paragraph.textContent = paragraph.textContent.replace('4,000', '5,000');\n }\n });\n /* EDITELEMENT */\n vwo_$(\".bod > ul:nth-of-type(1) > li:nth-of-type(4)\").vwoCss({ \"border-bottom-style\": \"none !important\" });\n }\n\n // Terms\n if (currentUrl.toLowerCase().includes(\"terms\")) {\n vwo_$(\".form-headline\").html(\"Terms & Conditions\");\n const bridgeSpans = document.querySelectorAll('.bridge');\n // Loop through the first 7 bridge spans and change their background color\n for (let i = 0; i < 7 && i < bridgeSpans.length; i++) {\n bridgeSpans[i].style.backgroundColor = '#6E38D5';\n }\n // Select the first paragraph element\n const firstParagraph = document.querySelector('.terms-segment p');\n\n // Select the first child paragraph within the first paragraph element\n const firstChildParagraph = firstParagraph.querySelector('p');\n\n // Remove the tags from the first child paragraph\n const strongTags = firstChildParagraph.querySelectorAll('strong');\n strongTags.forEach(tag => tag.outerHTML = tag.innerHTML);\n\n // Check if you need to replace the content without the tags inside the first paragraph child\n const searchText = \"MEMBERS’ RIGHT TO CANCEL:\";\n const textContent = firstChildParagraph.textContent;\n const index = textContent.indexOf(searchText);\n\n if (index !== -1) {\n const strongText = textContent.substring(index, index + searchText.length);\n const newHTML = textContent.replace(strongText, `${strongText}`);\n\n firstChildParagraph.innerHTML = newHTML;\n }\n }\n\n // Agreement Actions on Terms and Success pages\n const download = document.querySelectorAll('span.icon.icon-cloud-download');\n if (download) download.forEach(spanElement => {\n // Create a new SVG element\n const svgElement = document.createElement('svg');\n svgElement.setAttribute('xmlns', '');\n svgElement.setAttribute('class', 'h-5 w-5');\n svgElement.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 20 20');\n svgElement.setAttribute('fill', 'currentColor');\n svgElement.setAttribute('height', '20px'); // Set height to 20px\n svgElement.setAttribute('width', '20px'); // Set width to 20px\n spanElement.parentNode.innerHTML = ``;\n });\n const printer = document.querySelectorAll('span.icon.icon-print2');\n if (printer) printer.forEach(spanElement => {\n // Create a new SVG element\n const svgElement = document.createElement('svg');\n svgElement.setAttribute('xmlns', '');\n svgElement.setAttribute('class', 'h-5 w-5');\n svgElement.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 20 20');\n svgElement.setAttribute('fill', 'currentColor');\n svgElement.setAttribute('height', '20px'); // Set height to 20px\n svgElement.setAttribute('width', '20px'); // Set width to 20px\n svgElement.innerHTML = `\n \n `;\n spanElement.parentNode.innerHTML = ``;\n });\n let anchorElements = document.querySelectorAll('.agreement-actions a');\n if (anchorElements) anchorElements.forEach(anchorElement => {\n anchorElement.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:;');\n });\n\n // Billing\n if (currentUrl.toLowerCase().includes(\"billing\")) {\n const bridgeSpans = document.querySelectorAll('.bridge');\n // Loop through the first 9 bridge spans and change their background color\n for (let i = 0; i < 9 && i < bridgeSpans.length; i++) {\n bridgeSpans[i].style.backgroundColor = '#6E38D5';\n }\n vwo_$(\".form-headline\").html(\"Payment\");\n vwo_$('.form-headline').css('text-align', 'left');\n if (vwo_$(\"#billing .secure-payment\").length <= 0) {\n vwo_$(\"#billing .icon-lock.pull-left\").append(`
Secure Payment
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Success! Congrats on becoming a member.
We sent a confirmation email which includes your membership confirmation and receipt.
`;\n }\n vwo_$(\".whats-next > h2:nth-of-type(1) > strong:nth-of-type(1) > span:nth-of-type(1)\").html(\"Next Steps\");\n vwo_$(\"h2 strong span\").vwoCss({ \"font-size\": \"1.25rem\" });\n vwo_$(\"#success figcaption.hero-content.slim\").each(function () {\n if (vwo_$(\".success-msg .col\").length) vwo_$(\".success-msg .col\").append(this);\n });\n const whatsNextParent = document.querySelector('.whats-next');\n\n if (whatsNextParent) {\n // Create a new section element with the class 'bg-gray' and a div with the class 'container'\n const containerDiv = document.createElement('div');\n containerDiv.classList.add('container', 'my-4');\n\n const sectionElement = document.createElement('section');\n sectionElement.classList.add('bg-gray', 'py-5');\n\n // Move all children of .whats-next into the new element\n Array.from(whatsNextParent.children).forEach(childElement => {\n\n // Check if the child element has the classes 'd-block', 'd-sm-flex', and 'py-4'\n if (!childElement.classList.contains('d-block') && !childElement.classList.contains('d-sm-flex') && !childElement.classList.contains('py-4')) {\n containerDiv.appendChild(childElement.cloneNode(true));\n whatsNextParent.removeChild(childElement);\n }\n });\n\n // Append the element into the div.container\n sectionElement.appendChild(containerDiv);\n\n const heroElement = document.querySelector('.hero.hero-gym');\n // Append the new container with filtered elements to the body of the document\n if (heroElement) heroElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', sectionElement);\n }\n const leadParagraph = document.querySelector('.bg-gray p.lead');\n const phoneNumber = document.querySelector('.bg-gray').innerHTML;\n if (leadParagraph) {\n leadParagraph.classList.add('px-0', 'px-lg-5', 'px-xl-0');\n // Update the content of the paragraph with the dynamically fetched phone number\n leadParagraph.innerHTML = `Our gym staff will reach out to you to schedule a time to pick up your access passes.\n Or if you’re excited to get in here, just call us at ${phoneNumber}.`;\n }\n /* EDITELEMENT */\n vwo_$(\".mr-4 > h2:nth-of-type(1) > strong:nth-of-type(1) > span:nth-of-type(1)\").html(\"Download the AF app\");\n /* EDITELEMENT */\n vwo_$(\".my-4 > div:nth-of-type(1) > p:nth-of-type(1) > span:nth-of-type(1)\").html(\"Using the AF App, you can access the club 24/7 as well as any Anytime Fitness worldwide.\");\n if (vwo_$('.next-step-1').length <= 0) {\n const iconGpsMarkers = document.querySelector('.icon-gps-markers');\n const iconGroupEx = document.querySelector('.icon-groupex-fill');\n const iconMobilePhone = document.querySelector('.icon-mobile-phone');\n if (iconGpsMarkers) {\n // HTML content to be inserted\n const htmlContent = '
1. Get Your Access Pass
';\n // Insert the HTML content adjacent after the .icon-gps-markers element\n iconGpsMarkers.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', htmlContent);\n }\n if (iconGroupEx) {\n // HTML content to be inserted\n const htmlContent = '
2. Get FREE Consultation
';\n // Insert the HTML content adjacent after the .icon-gps-markers element\n iconGroupEx.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', htmlContent);\n }\n if (iconMobilePhone) {\n // HTML content to be inserted\n const htmlContent = '
3. Download the AF App
';\n // Insert the HTML content adjacent after the .icon-gps-markers element\n iconMobilePhone.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', htmlContent);\n }\n }\n const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.bg-gray .container .d-flex.align-items-start');\n\n if (elements.length > 0) {\n // Create a new div element with the class 'd-flex'\n const divWrapper = document.createElement('div');\n divWrapper.classList.add('d-flex', 'next-steps', 'flex-column', 'flex-md-row', 'mt-4', 'pt-2');\n\n // Move each selected element into the new div container\n elements.forEach(element => {\n // Create a copy of the element without the 'd-flex' and 'align-items-start' classes\n const elementCopy = element.cloneNode(true);\n elementCopy.classList.remove('d-flex', 'align-items-start');\n\n // Append the updated element to the new div container\n divWrapper.appendChild(elementCopy);\n\n // Remove the element with classes 'd-flex align-items-start' from its original parent\n element.parentNode.removeChild(element);\n });\n\n const lead = document.querySelector('.bg-gray .lead');\n // Append the new container with filtered elements to the body of the document\n if (lead) lead.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', divWrapper);\n }\n const removeFlex = document.querySelectorAll('.bg-white');\n\n removeFlex.forEach(element => {\n // Check if the element has the class 'd-sm-flex'\n if (element.classList.contains('d-sm-flex')) {\n element.classList.remove('d-sm-flex'); // Remove the class 'd-sm-flex'\n }\n });\n vwo_$(\"#success .staffed-hours\").each(function () {\n if (vwo_$(\".cta\").length) {\n const cta = document.querySelector('.cta');\n if (cta) cta.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', this);\n }\n });\n // Move Facebook Inside the column\n vwo_$(\"#success p.text-center a\").vwoCss({ \"display\": \"none\" });\n const newAElement = document.createElement('a');\n const facebookLink = document.querySelector(\"#success p.text-center a\").href;\n newAElement.classList.add('cta-item');\n newAElement.href = facebookLink;\n newAElement.setAttribute('data-toggle', 'lightbox');\n newAElement.setAttribute('data-gallery', 'gym-photos');\n\n // Add the inner HTML content to the anchor element\n newAElement.innerHTML = '' +\n '
Join Facebook Page
';\n\n // Select the parent element with the class .cta and the second col-sm-4 element\n const ctaParent = document.querySelector('.cta');\n const secondCol = ctaParent.querySelector('.col-sm-4:nth-of-type(2)');\n\n if (ctaParent && secondCol) {\n // Append the new anchor element to the second col-sm-4 element\n secondCol.appendChild(newAElement);\n }\n const container = document.querySelector('.cta .row');\n\n if (container) {\n // Get the col-sm-4 elements\n const colElements = container.querySelectorAll('.col-sm-4');\n\n if (colElements.length >= 2) {\n // Swap the position of the first two col-sm-4 elements in the container\n const firstElement = colElements[0];\n const secondElement = colElements[1];\n\n // Insert the second element before the first element to switch positions\n container.insertBefore(secondElement, firstElement);\n }\n }\n const iconBinoculars = document.querySelector('.cta span.icon.icon-binoculars');\n if (iconBinoculars) {\n const newIcon = document.createElement('i');\n newIcon.classList.add('icon-binoculars2');\n iconBinoculars.parentNode.replaceChild(newIcon, iconBinoculars);\n }\n const iconPin = document.querySelector('.cta span.icon.icon-pin');\n if (iconPin) {\n const newIcon = document.createElement('i');\n newIcon.classList.add('icon-geo');\n iconPin.parentNode.replaceChild(newIcon, iconPin);\n }\n const staffedHoursHeader = document.querySelector('.staffed-hours h2');\n if (staffedHoursHeader) {\n // Capitalize only the first letter of the text content\n let textContent = staffedHoursHeader.textContent;\n staffedHoursHeader.textContent = textContent.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + textContent.slice(1).toLowerCase();\n }\n vwo_$(\".mr-4\").vwoAttr({ \"class\": { \"removedClasses\": [\"mr-4\"] } });\n vwo_$(\".d-block > div:nth-of-type(2)\").vwoAttr({ \"class\": { \"addedClasses\": [\"d-flex\", \"flex-column\", \"flex-sm-row\", \"app-links\", \"justify-content-center\", \"mt-4\", \"pt-2\"] } });\n }\n\n // Contact Us\n if (currentUrl.toLowerCase().includes(\"contactus\")) {\n let aside = document.querySelector('aside');\n if (aside) = 'none';\n const diffText = document.querySelector('.navbar li:nth-of-type(1) a').innerHTML;\n const formHeader = document.querySelector('.form-header');\n\n if (diffText && formHeader) {\n // Create a new h1 element with class 'step-header' containing the diffText\n const newH1 = document.createElement('h1');\n newH1.classList.add('step-header', 'text-center');\n newH1.innerHTML = diffText;\n\n // Create another h1 element with text 'Join Now'\n const joinNowH1 = document.createElement('h1');\n joinNowH1.innerHTML = 'Join Now';\n\n // Append the joinNowH1 element before the new h1 element and diffText\n newH1.append(joinNowH1);\n\n // Prepend the new h1 element with class 'step-header' to the form header\n formHeader.prepend(newH1);\n\n }\n }\n\n if (currentUrl.toLowerCase().includes(\"plans\")) {\n let modalElement = document.createElement(\"div\");\n modalElement.className = \"modal\";\n = \"afpModal\";\n modalElement.setAttribute(\"tabindex\", \"-1\");\n modalElement.setAttribute(\"role\", \"dialog\");\n modalElement.setAttribute(\"aria-labelledby\", \"afpModal\");\n modalElement.setAttribute(\"aria-hidden\", \"true\");\n\n let modalDialog = document.createElement(\"div\");\n modalDialog.className = \"modal-dialog\";\n modalDialog.setAttribute(\"role\", \"document\");\n\n let modalContent = document.createElement(\"div\");\n modalContent.className = \"modal-content\";\n\n let modalHeader = document.createElement(\"div\");\n modalHeader.className = \"modal-header\";\n let h5Title = document.createElement(\"h5\");\n h5Title.className = \"modal-title\";\n = \"afpModal\";\n h5Title.innerText = \"*APPLE FITNESS+ TERMS & CONDITIONS\";\n let closeButton = document.createElement(\"button\");\n closeButton.type = \"button\";\n closeButton.className = \"close\";\n = \"closeModalBtn\";\n closeButton.setAttribute(\"data-dismiss\", \"modal\");\n closeButton.setAttribute(\"aria-label\", \"Close\");\n closeButton.innerHTML = `×`;\n\n modalHeader.appendChild(h5Title);\n modalHeader.appendChild(closeButton);\n\n let modalBody = document.createElement(\"div\");\n modalBody.className = \"modal-body\";\n modalBody.innerHTML = `\n
Fitness+ Trial Offer: Offer open to new Anytime Fitness®️ customers, local residents to participating locations in the United States & Canada, only. Photo ID required. Offer valid for 1 or 7 days’ (as applicable) access to participating Anytime Fitness location plus up to 3 months access to Apple Fitness+℠ beginning on eligible device activation. Prior Fitness+ subscribers will qualify for 2 months. Fitness+ requires a subscription & Apple ID with payment card on file. After trial ends, payment card on file will be charged $9.99/month & subscription automatically renews until cancelled. Apple may change the subscription price at its discretion, other terms & Apple Privacy Policy apply; see the applicable terms. Offer requires use of the Anytime Fitness mobile. Offer limited to 1 subscription per Family Sharing group, Apple IDs already associated with a trial or subscription for Fitness+ are not eligible. Valid only for Fitness+ in the United States & Canada. Fitness+ requires iPhone 8 or later with iOS 16.1 or later, or Apple Watch Series 3 or later with watchOS 7.2 or later paired with iPhone 6s or later with iOS 14.3 or later. Fitness+ is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. Apple is not a sponsor of this promotion. No cash value, not valid with any other offer, no refunds or credits. Each Anytime Fitness location is independently owned & operated. Void where prohibited.
Existing Anytime Members: Offer open to existing Anytime Fitness®️ members of participating locations in the United States & Canada, only. Offer valid for access to Apple Fitness+℠ access begins on eligible device activation & continues for 3 months. Fitness+ requires a subscription & Apple ID with payment card on file. Reactivation of the offer is required every 3 months to maintain access. If free access ends payment card on file will be charged $9.99/month & subscription automatically renews until cancelled. Apple may change the subscription price at its discretion, other terms & Apple Privacy Policy apply; see the applicable terms. Offer requires use of the Anytime Fitness mobile application. Offer limited to 1 subscription per Family Sharing group, Apple IDs already associated with a trial or subscription for Fitness+ are not eligible. Valid only for Fitness+ in the United States & Canada. Fitness+ requires iPhone 8 or later with iOS 16.1 or later, or Apple Watch Series 3 or later with watchOS 7.2 or later paired with iPhone 6s or later with iOS 14.3 or later. Fitness+ is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. Apple is not a sponsor of this promotion. No cash value, not valid with any other offer, no refunds or credits. Each Anytime Fitness location is independently owned & operated. Void where prohibited.
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You know the old adage that says you can’t swim within 30 minutes of eating? First of all, that claim has been disproven, so you can go ahead and file it away with the other fitness myths that have been debunked. But what about other forms of physical activity? Generally, how long should you wait to exercise after eating?
When it comes to moving your body after a meal, fueling up with food before you work out will actually help you in the long run (or for your long run). We asked registered dietitian Sinan Ozyemisci, MS, RDN to break it all down for us.
Should I eat before I exercise?
We all know exercise benefits our health. But moving our bodies is only one piece of a complex puzzle. Diet, like exercise, plays a critical role. The food you eat influences how your body feels when you’re working out. In fact, food has more of an impact on your fitness routine than you might think.
“Whether you work out before or after a meal will depend on both the individual and what the meal consists of,” explains Sinan. “If the workout requires lighter to moderate effort with simplified movements, then performing a workout before your meal may be optimal — as long as your energy levels do not feel low or insufficient.”
On the other hand, if you’re headed in for a personal or group training session or anything that may test both your aerobic and anaerobic threshold, Sinan says exercising after eating might be less optimal, saying “giving yourself enough time to eat a meal or even just a snack beforehand may be a good idea.”
Remember: Food isn’t your enemy — it’s your energy. And it’s important to have enough energy to sustain a workout. Medical advice points to eating smart, nutritious snacks before you hit the gym in order to enhance your performance.
Exercising after eating: Everything you need to know
We have a lot of tips for the kinds of food to eat, but did you know when you eat matters just as much? The difference between a good workout and a great one is strongly influenced by what you eat beforehand — and when you eat it. Don’t be put off by the idea that food will weigh you down.
But consuming the wrong foods at suboptimal times can also hinder your workout. Let’s dive into the specifics and optimize your timing!
What should I eat before a workout?
Different foods provide different benefits. It’s important to have a well-rounded diet and to embrace calories rather than shun them, because eating whole foods that are good for you is the best way to lose or maintain weight while building muscle mass and strength. Wondering how your next meal will impact your body? Here’s a quick breakdown of how food is used.
Proteins help your body build essential amino acids, which generate new cells and repair old ones. Proteins like lean meats, fish, milk, and eggs will help you build and maintain muscle mass. So will plant proteins, like beans and legumes, nut butters, and ancient grains.
Carbs convert into energy. Your body absorbs them as glucose, which your body can lean on for energy during a workout. Healthy carbs come from fruits, vegetables, nutrient-dense breads and pastas, beans, and legumes. If you’re low on blood sugar and need a quick boost of energy, try a carb-heavy option like one of our protein-dense smoothies or shakes.
Fats help your body grow new cells and hormones. They also help you absorb nutrients and vitamins. They have more calories than proteins or carbohydrates, but this isn’t a bad thing. When you consume healthy fats — like avocado, salmon, almonds, and so on — before exercising, your body can convert them into energy storage to rely on when you work out.
Everyone’s reaction to different foods will vary. But as a rule of thumb, it’s generally a good idea to avoid foods that are very high in fiber or very high in fat right before you exercise. Consuming these foods can lead to gastrointestinal stress (heartburn, indigestion, bloating, etc.) fairly early into the workout.
“Additionally, if your body does not handle lactose or dairy products well, it may be a good idea to avoid a dairy-rich pre-workout snack,” says Sinan.
And while many of the pre-workout supplements and pre-made beverages contain larger doses of caffeine, if you are sensitive to caffeine or to a large dose of caffeine at once, significantly reducing your caffeine consumption prior to a workout may be a good idea, “especially for higher heart-rate workouts such as HIIT and conditioning circuits,” says Sinan.
How long should you wait to workout after eating?
When you eat quality foods full of protein and carbohydrates, you’ll help ward off stomach cramps, nausea, and low blood sugar, all culprits that can easily lessen the caliber of your exercise.
The closer you get to your workout, the simpler your food choices should be in order to help your body utilize energy as efficiently as possible. If you can eat 2–3 hours before a workout, your body will have enough time to absorb and process a large meal full of complex carbs. But if you need to eat closer to your workout — an hour or less — it’s best to choose a simple snack. Here’s a general breakdown:
2–3 hours before a workout: Go for a larger meal, like a sandwich stacked with lean protein, veggies, and avocado (healthy fat!) on multigrain bread. Or try a grain bowl with nutrient-dense grains, vegetables, hummus, and cheese.
1–2 hours before a workout: “As a general rule of thumb, planning for a carbohydrate-rich meal — a mix of slow-to-moderate and fast-digesting carbs — that is moderate in protein and lower in fats will provide optimal results,” explains Sinan. Try a small meal or healthy snack with carbohydrates and protein, like a bowl of low-fiber, whole-grain cereal with low-fat or skim milk, an energy bar that’s low in sugar, a protein-based smoothie, or a sports drink.
Less than 1 hour before a workout: A small snack that’s full of simple carbohydrates (rather than complex carbs), without a lot of fat in it, is key. Fat isn’t bad for you — as mentioned, certain fats are beneficial to your diet— but they can slow your digestive system down. Try a banana, Greek yogurt, or a glass of chocolate milk to lighten the load while you hit the ground running.
Simple snacks for when you’re short on time
If you’re running short on ideas for what to eat before you exercise and the clock is ticking, we suggest trying one of these snacks. They’re easy and nutritious and can help fuel your body with the energy it needs to optimize your next workout.
Protein smoothie with banana, protein powder, nut butter, and coconut water
Whole grain toast with nut butter and banana or avocado and olive oil
Yogurt with high-protein, low-sugar granola
Overnight oats with fruit and chia seeds
Apple with nut butter
Handful of nuts
High-protein, low-sugar energy bar
A final word on fitness and food
Your body is uniquely yours, as is your schedule. And your taste buds are unique to you, too.
“It is important to keep in mind that what is an optimal pre-workout option for me might not be for you,” says Sinan. To determine a more personalized pre-workout option, you’ll want to determine a few factors:
What is your average caloric consumption? Or even more specifically, on average, how many grams of carbohydrates and protein do you consume daily?
How long do you plan to exercise?
How intense will the workout be?
“Even with the answers to those questions, identifying the “best” option may take some trial and effort,” says Sinan.
Only you know best when it comes to what you eat and how your body will react to exercising after eating. We suggest consulting with your trainer or a fitness expert to help you establish routines and go-to meals and snacks that will build bigger, leaner muscle over time while satiating your appetite and your taste buds. And don’t forget, what you eat after you work out is just as important as what you eat beforehand.
At Anytime Fitness, our support doesn’t end when you leave the gym. We’re here to hold your hand while you build a fitness and diet plan that works for you, on your schedule and relying on your own flavor profile. Even if you’re new to exercise and health routines, it’s never too late to start.
Remember, building healthy habits is something you can control and you can make seismic shifts in your health in as little as 30 days. It’s time to embrace food as your body’s best friend and start following a meal plan that will build a stronger you.
Get tools to help you track
Research says people who track what they eat are more likely to keep weight off — or continue to lose it — over time. Fortunately, it’s never been easier to track your health data and there are unlimited tools to help you analyze workouts and nutrition. A good baseline tool to help you track your workouts and stay connected to your coach is our Anytime Fitness App. From there, you can layer in easy apps to make logging what you eat a seamless task.
As a registered dietitian who has completed two master’s degrees in nutrition, Sinan loves and lives by the philosophy of continued education. Having spent the first 10 years of his life overseas in Turkey, Sinan quickly gained exposure to the importance of farm-to-table on his grandmother’s farm. Combining that with competitive athletics throughout his entire life, he always knew nutrition was his forever dream. And with his role as a Registered Dietitian at Stronger U Nutrition, Sinan can make that dream a reality by changing lives and improving the health and well-being of those around us.
Free 7-Day Passes are only available for new customers who live or work nearby. Most Anytime Fitness locations have a drop-in charge for non-residents who want to use the gym for a short period of time. If you cannot provide proof of local residency, you may be charged a fee to use this club.
Free {{nday}}-Day Passes are only available for new customers who live or work nearby. Most Anytime Fitness locations have a drop-in charge for non-residents who want to use the gym for a short period of time. If you cannot provide proof of local residency, you may be charged a fee to use this club.